Can You see the bug on the bottom left corner of this photo? This bug clung on for his dear life on the drive from my house to the grocery store, a journey of about 4 miles. I watched him holding on around corners, over bumps and even as my speed increased. I kept one eye on the road and the other on this tenacious bug. He didn't succumb to the trials he was facing, he just kept clinging on to my windshield.
My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:8
When I arrived at the store I paused as I watched him fly away and thought to myself , "I hope my grip is as strong on the Lord as this bug's grip on my windshield.".
As the speed of life pushes me along am I clinging to God?
When life puts a bump in my path do I stay fixed to my faith, clinging to the Lord?
When I can't see around the next curve do I let go and return to a comfort zone or do I cling to God and KNOW that HE upholds me with HIS righteous right hand?
So put away those bug sprays and let some of these crazy little creatures remind you of, and even challenge you today!!!
Love you all,
P.S. Save the Date for the 2013 Living Beauty Full Women's Day Retreat- Saturday, October 26th!!!!