I am a married mother of 2 sons, 2 step-daughters, 3 crazy dogs, a water frog, and a factory of worms(composting). My life is full of family and serving God. I love to worship, serve on short term mission trips, Beth Moore bible studies, read, gather with friends, and serve at my local soup kitchen. I organize a clothing ministry and make hand-made jewelry to raise money for missions organizations. I am a lover of life and a lover of my Lord Jesus Christ. I have a desire to encourage women to realize their true beauty comes from letting God shine through them.
Jan Porter
I am blessed! An introvert by nature, an extrovert for GOD, a grateful soul that Jesus is my Savior and my Lord. I am a contented wife, Mom of 3, step-mom of 4, mother-in-law of 5, the Nonnie of 9 (soon to be 10)! There is nothing greater than sharing the love of God, the truth of God, the power of God with my wonderful family, friends, and strangers. A social worker for more than 25 years, God has let me love and serve and pray for many of the world's unloved and perceived "unlovely" souls. Many now know HIS beauty-full life!
Interests: Reading, studying HIS WORD, writing, sitting as HIS feet, telling stories, offering HIS hope, laughing, spreading HIS joy. Walking and praying and praising God! Doing all of the aforementioned things at the beach!

I'm a sinner rescued by grace. I have 7 sisters, and each one of them has made my life infinitely better in some way, shape or form. I'm a foster parent for kids with special needs, and a service coordinator for kids with autism. Heather keeps me sane and drives me crazy all at the same time. I love reading, writing, singing, cooking, and anything having to do with home renovation. I hate bugs, and I love my dog. I love driving alone late at night, and getting lost. I love new things, but I love taking trash and making it pretty again more. I love finding lessons from God in seemingly un-spiritual things, and using them to clear up the jumbles that are often in my head. I take back roads whenever possible, because it makes me feel closer to people if I don't have to get on the highway. I know it takes longer, and I don't care. I love serving 'the least of these', and I'm beyond privileged to serve the Most High.
Jillian Castellano
I'm a fallen but forgiven wife, sister, daughter, and friend who is thoroughly enjoying married life in Massachusetts after 3 long years in Virginia. I'm a program coordinator for families who have adult children with disabilities and am in the process of getting my Master's in counseling. I'm passionate about becoming the woman that God created me to be. I'm thankful every day for all the wonderful things He's done for me and for all the wonderful people He has filled my life with. I love singing, writing, and my niece Heather, who is more amazing that anyone I know.
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