
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Happy Ending

I love a happy ending.

I love a book that ends with an uplifting message. I love movies where the good guy wins. And I especially love Friendly's Restaurant's "happy ending " ice cream sundaes!!

I don't read a lot of fiction books these days but when I was a kid I remember checking the last few pages of the book to see how it ends. If I could find some words or phrases that indicated that things worked out in a good way then and only then I would read the book.

 Today I have a slight obsession with home decorating magazines. My favorite is"Country Living" with it's fun flea market decorating make overs, home cookin' recipes and little vignettes of Americana. I love to look at the happy endings to the cool make overs and successful small business'.

When I get my new copy of "Country Living" I flip right to the back and start with the ending story "A Portrait of America" that features small business' or products that have survived the test of time. From there I read the magazine from cover to cover, from back to front!

I also like to read biographies about Christians that have been steadfast in their faith  following the call of God, overcoming trials and of course, that have an uplifting, happy ending.

 Life s filled with all sorts of ups and downs, twists and turns and unknowns ahead. There are struggles, challenges, hard choices to make, tragedies to endure and unexpected situations to navigate.  Some days are extraordinarily happy and others are filled with deep sorrow. BUT I have read The Good Book!!!! And  I have read the end of the story!!!

I have read the book of Revelation and I know that God wins.

Jesus has the final victory and as a believer I know that I ultimately share in that victory and will live with HIM forever.

There will be no more struggles, insecurities, strongholds, pain or suffering, no more tears and no more death.

Because I have read the end of the bible I can face whatever my life experiences will be with a steadfast assurance of a happy ending.  I have read the end of HIStory!

If you haven't read Revelation or if it has been awhile since you last read it, Read it  now and be blessed. Jesus is coming for you and it will be a very happy ending!


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