This is one of those songs that ministers to my spirit. You know the kind of song that resonates deep down inside reviving your spirit?
It is one of those songs that I might even call a "life song". When I play it I sing the lyrics with heartfelt gusto. I sing it with all my might, at the top of my lungs.
I sing the opening lines " I want to be like you Jesus, To walk in all Your holy ways. No matter what You ask me Jesus, I'm willing to obey"
WAIT A MINUTE. Really? Do I really mean what I am singing? Or am I just singing what some one else believes? Am I REALLY "wanting to be like Jesus"? AM I REALLY "willing to obey"?
It is easy for me to sing those words and even think that I mean them because I want to mean them. I want to obey Jesus, I really do want to be like HIM but it is just so hard.
It is not easy to say "Yes" when HE calls me to sacrifice my time, or my money, my agenda, my "fun time", or my rest.
It's not easy when HE calls me to help in a situation that may be messy. I like things tidy and predictable but HE calls me to trust in HIM and do HIS will, no matter what!
God wants me to obey and say "YES" to what HE asks me to do just like HIS Son Jesus did! No matter what the cost or end result!
"Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn't think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn't claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death- and the worst kind of death at that- a crucifixion." (Philippians 2:5-8 The Message)
One thing I love about this song is that it also gives me the reminder of what I need to do so I can say "YES" to Jesus. The song continues on to say "I will serve You. I will bow. I will put all my hope in YOU".
That's the key! When we daily put our hope in HIM because we know and trust God we can bow down to HIM and leave behind our desires and REALLY serve HIM.
I don't know about you but I want to authentically serve HIM.
I don't want to show up at church on Sunday and do my little part and say "I am good, I have served HIM". I want to be like Jesus and serve HIM everyday where ever He has placed me, and where ever HE sends me. No matter what!
I want to serve my family, my neighbors, the downcast, the homeless, the addict and whoever God asks me to serve in the love and name of Jesus.
I have to bow down everyday and submit to God and ask the Holy Spirit to help me be more like Jesus because today I am not like HIM. I am full of my own selfish desires so I need the continual and ever increasing help of the Holy Spirit.
How about you? Are you letting the Holy Spirit transform you more into the likeness of Christ? Do you REALLY want to be like Jesus no matter what???
Lastly, the next time you are singing at the top of your lungs along to your favorite Christian song take a minute to think about the words. Then ask yourself if you REALLY mean them.
Keep Living Beauty Full!
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