
Thursday, October 11, 2012

God Knows Our Need

I have the honor and joy of caring for a dear woman who is limited in her speech and motor abilities. She is very independent. Most days I just transport her to desired or required places on her agenda. We chat, laugh, and appreciate things together. Because of her difficulty retrieving the words she wants to she welcomes my attempts at speculating what she is trying to convey. While at times she appears frustrated, most often she laughs at herself and at me as we play the word-guessing game. The longer I have known her the easier it has become for me to quickly discern what she is trying to say, sometimes even anticipating her need or want before she even tries to communicate it.

It got me thinking about how it sometimes feels to us when we don’t know how to make ourselves clearly understood to our loved ones, our peers, our workmates, our boss. Sometimes even to God.

Even with full capacity of speech we can get bothered when we are misunderstood or not understood at all. What a relief it is when the people who know and love us are “in tune” with us before we even speak.

Now that’s not to diminish our need to be good communicators, and to “use our words”, as an earlier blog post described.

But how great are the times when God hears our heart without any need for our words, and knows our needs before we voice them.

The Word of God declares in Matthew 6:8b 

“… your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

He loves you and knows you and wants to chat with you, even if the use of words is minimal. And when words fail, maybe laughter is enough.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 declaresBe joyful always.”

Gratefully HIS,


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