There’s nothing more unbecoming in a beautiful woman that a not-so-beautiful attitude. I’m constantly checking and rethinking my attitude because I’ve learned that I’m so prone to having a bad one. I’m an emotional person and have to constantly ask myself if my attitude is based on truth, or my feelings. When our attitude is based on truth, we’re so much nicer to be around. It doesn’t take long for one bad attitude to clear a room. Ephesians 2: 1-2 and 5 say,
When we find ourselves with a bad attitude, we should think of God’s unfailing love, of the fellowship with the Spirit that we are so graciously permitted. We should remember the tenderness and compassion that Christ’s love should instill in us. We’re called to have the same attitude as Christ’s. That’s the standard. That’s the goal. Of course we will fail at times, but we have been “given everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Hebrews 4:12 says,
The best tool we have to keep our attitudes in check is the infallible Word of God. It one of the tools God has given us “for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). When we read it, there’s opportunity for conviction and growth and change. Conviction is not a bad thing. In fact, we should be looking out for it and recognizing it as the merciful and loving way that God tells us every day, “I’m with you and you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.” When we choose to read the Word of God, it’s lets God know that we want to be closer to Him, that we love His guidance, and submit to His Words. When we neglect the Word of God, we shut the door on an opportunity to keep our attitude in check. The Word of God “judges thoughts and attitudes of the heart”. At any given moment during the day is your attitude the same as Christ’s would be in your situation? If not, it’s time to pray it out and re-boot with a portion of the Word. When we spend time in the Word, we have the opportunity to let God make us more beauty-full. That is just what I need.
In His love,
PS. If you haven’t had the opportunity yet, donate your $24 to free a woman in Thailand from sexual slavery for 24 hours though Freedom 4/24. We still need several people in order to reach the goal of freeing one woman for each day in January, National Human Trafficking Awareness Month!
Once again beauty-full!!!
Jill I remember talking with you 'way back when' about UGB's (remember those! hehe) and how they affect our attitude and decisions. You have grown into such a beauty full young woman and God is using, and will continue to use every experience HE'S brought you through to help others grow into the confidence needed to adopt the attitude of Christ as mentioned in Phil 2... even as you have. Keep wielding the Word Sword in your life and writings. :-D His Divine Power is expressed through you when you quote His word! You bless me.
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