I would be remiss not to write something about the shooting this morning in Colorado. Partly because it's all the news is talking about. Partly because we all have a Christian obligation to be praying for the families in that community. I don't mean obligation in an "I have to do this even though I don't really want to" way....but in an "I am a Christian and it is my privilege and honor to lift these hurting people up to the Lord" kind of way.
Whenever things like this happen, people always ask "why does God allow these terrible things to happen?" I mean, goodness, a 6 year old girl was shot in the back and almost died. And an infant was shot...
I don't know the complete answer. But I know that my God is always faithful, and in some way, He will make beauty from those ashes. In my deepest darkest times, He was there. In your deepest darkest times, He was there. And in this deepest darkest time, He will be there.
God created us in His image. We were not originally created for sin. Had we listened to God's instruction in the Garden, we wouldn't have tragedies like this to deal with today. But we didn't. And because we are given free will, and God did not create us to be puppets on a string, we have people who commit these heinous crimes. And now we do have to deal with tragedies like this.
I so wish it were different. I wish those families and that community did not have to face that loss. That fear. That horror. But they do. I don't have a long theological answer as to why things like this happen. But, like I said, I know that God is faithful and He will be there for that community if they let Him in.
Last month I wrote about what to say when people go through intense amounts of suffering. I revisit that point today. Sometimes, there's nothing to say. Sometimes, it's best to be silent and simply pray that God's will be done and that He make something beauty-full out of a terrible situation.
I know He can.
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