I was excited to go but particularly to see the new contemporary art wing.. I was not disappointed. They did a spectacular job integrating it with the old architecture. .
I studied art history in high school and college and have always had a strong appreciation for the Arts even though I myself have very little talent in those areas, I have A LOT of appreciation (even for the works that I don't quite understand).
I have always loved to get lost in the beauty of a piece of art in a studio, gallery or even in a book.
This day I was drawn to some works about nature. There were the most amazing drawings by a Dutch artist of white rabbits with incredible detail to each hair on their bodies. I just wanted to reach out and stroke them.
And then there was a painting by a French artist that was startling in the way he captured the beauty of the sunlight shinning through the forest. It was captivating.
However, the impression that lingered in my heart was how awesome our God is that HE, the Creator of all, would allow us (humans) to share even in a very small way in the privilege of creating.
The art displayed at the museum was created by people who had spent years perfecting their techniques. But our God just spoke HIS creations into being. How awesome is that?
HE spoke and a flower had it's brilliant colors. HE spoke and a butterfly had it's intricate design.
HE spoke and created breathtaking landscapes.
HE spoke beauty into existence. God is beautiful so HE can't help but create beauty.
As Christians we are given the privilege of creating AND of worshiping HIM. And each of these privileges can be a response to the other.
We can be inspired to create something from an overflow of love or revelation from being in HIS Presence. We can also be inspired to worship HIM because we have been witness to the beauty of creation.
Although I love to gaze upon creations of beauty I can't think of anything more beautiful than our God. My heart resonates with the desire of David's heart "To gaze on the beauty of the Lord". Psalm 27:4 Is there anything more beautiful? I think not.
In the book "Scribbling In The Sand" by Michael Card he says " The God who is beautiful is love. His unqualified love reaching out to us through Christ is what makes us beautiful, and in response to that reaching out we hunger for more of his beauty. Out of that hunger we reach back to him through our worship, which calls us into new creativity. Beauty and love, two colors in the spectrum of the Light that is God."
God is the Creator of all the Universe and everything in it and HE desires that both our creativity and our worship glorify HIM.
I can't paint or draw or sing a beautiful song but I can speak. I too can be creative and speak beauty with my words.
"A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything-or destroy it!" (James 3:5 The Message)
I can speak beauty into the world and glorify God.
I can speak the beauty of God's Love to someone that needs love.
I can speak the beauty of God's Forgiveness to someone that needs to be forgiven.
I can speak the beauty of God's Freedom to someone in bondage.
I can speak the beauty of God's Healing to someone who needs to be healed.
I can speak the beauty of God's Hope to the hopeless.
And so can you!
I love Sara Groves' song called "Add to the Beauty". The chorus says:
"And I want to add to the beauty
To tell a better story
I want to shine with the light
That's burning up inside"
And Mother Teresa said "Words which do not give the light of Christ, increase the darkness."
Every day we have a choice to add to the beauty and speak the Creator's Word or to speak into the darkness. I choose to speak the light of Christ and fill the world around me with HIS beauty!
Keep Being Beauty Full,
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