
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Open Your Mouth

Last week was incredible here in New England with it's sunshine and summer-like days.

 I threw open the house windows and let the fresh air in.

I unpacked my cotton skirts and capris and pulled out my flip flops.
Ahhh my flip flops, how I love wearing flip flops.

I sat on the back stairs and watched my three dogs roll around on the greening grass. They made me laugh.

 Then I drove to the local ice cream shop  (they just opened for the season) for a homemade cone of my favorite flavor- coconut !

 I was so excited  (If any of you know my family then you know we love our ice cream) to have my first cone of the season that I forgot I ALWAYS order the kiddie size because the small is simply too big!

So there I sat in the warmth of the sun with this HUGE cone of coconut ice cream. I could tell it was going to be good. I was filled with anticipation for it's creamy goodness.

I opened my mouth and took a bite and then another. Mmmmm it was delicious. I enjoyed each and every bite. I really savored it by taking in the texture and taste and I had no problem finishing every last bit.

As I was eating a Scripture started floating through my mind:

Taste and See that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.Psalm 34:8

You see the wonderful taste of coconut ice cream couldn't compare to the best thing I have ever tasted- God. 

When you experience how wonderful HE is with all your senses there will never be anything that can compare. Your appetite will never be satiated by anything less than the Presence of The Lord.

The Message Bible states the verse

 Open Your mouth and taste; open your eyes and see- how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him. Psalm 34:8 

Although  I find myself a week later bundled up in a heavy sweater with a cup of tea  (afterall, it is  March in New England) I am anticipating the summer and more ice cream cones.

 But more importantly I look forward to opening my mouth and tasting the goodness of the Lord in His Presence and reminders of His goodness in the little delights of my days.

With Joy,

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