
Friday, March 16, 2012


What I have to share today piggybacks on what Jan shared yesterday. Bear with me if this is repetitive, however I think it’s such an important thing for Christian’s today to grab hold of. It was certainly an important thing for me to grab hold of this week.

When I get home from work at the end of my usually very long days, I first take my shoes off. Then I take my hair down, and then I change into some sweatpants. I grab a hot drink or snack, turn the heat up, and then curl up on my bed or couch to settle in for the rest of my evening. Sometimes, the door doesn’t even close behind me before this process starts. I want to be immediately comfortable.

Comfortable-“being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease” ( 

This week in church our Pastor spoke about comfortable Christian’s. We find a church we like. We serve in an area we feel “blessed” in. We enter church thinking, “oh, I wonder what the Lord has for me today.” We like our seats and our friends and our leadership. We get comfortable.

The Pastor stressed that yes, God does comfort the broken-but he also calls the comforted. Once we’ve been comforted by the Lord, it’s time to pass it on. We should broaden our mindset to include the areas that make us uncomfortable. Maybe we should give up our good seat for someone we invite to church. Maybe we should begin to serve in an area we previously have avoided because it’s outside our comfort zone. Maybe we should stop admiring the leadership and BECOME the leadership. Maybe we should wonder what WE have to offer the Lord and His people on Sunday’s instead of focusing on what we can “get out of it.”

This is a huge struggle for me, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Jan shared about stopping for someone clearly in need and sharing Christ with him. I so admire her willingness to be vulnerable. Ruthann shares stories often about the way she witnesses and I’m challenged by her willingness to be made uncomfortable by God's mission for us.

In small groups this week I shared how I struggle with this area and so desperately want to be more uncomfortable for Christ. How I want to share Christ with those closest to me and perfect strangers. I find it more difficult to witness to those I’m close to. Old friends, family members, co-workers…

I was encouraged by a fellow brother in Christ on Tuesday. He reminded me that our mission-to go and make disciples-may be uncomfortable sometimes, but it’s also urgent. We’re not promised tomorrow-never mind, “next time I see them.” Christ could come back any day, we could meet our Maker at any moment, they could pass away…

The thing that stuck most was when this man said, "if Christ comes back and you and your friend are headed in opposite directions, wouldn’t they ask “why didn’t you tell me?”

This mission is not about being comfortable. Our walk on the straight and narrow is not always made to be “contented and undisturbed.” It’s not about our comfort, it’s about our calling. That man’s comments opened my eyes big time this week. I don’t want anyone who I cross paths with to be able to ask, “why didn’t you tell me?”

This week I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone with me. To serve outside our box. To forgo our comfort on earth and exchange it for treasures stored up in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-21).

In Christ,

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