Tuesday, January 31, 2012
With Graitude
Today is the last day of National Human Trafficking Awareness Month BUT it is NOT the end of human trafficking and we still NEED your help to spread the word and to take action.
William Wilberforce, worked to abolish the British slave trade and pioneered the Slavery Abolition Act of 18833 says "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know."
THANK YOU for NOT looking the other way and taking action.
For further reading check out :
May God bless you with HIS Goodness today,
ruthann, Brooke and Jill
Monday, January 30, 2012
A Plea From My Heart to Yours
What will you do today?
Be a blessing,
Friday, January 27, 2012
Stop This Train!
The chorus of my favorite John Mayer song sings,
“stop this train
I wanna get off and go home again,
I can’t take the speed it’s moving in,
I know I can’t, but honestly,
won’t someone stop this train…”
I came home from class Monday night with exactly this sentiment. I had a long day at work, full of prepping for an internal file review and then going on home visits. Later was the first class of my second semester of graduate school and I needed to buy my books. So, I trekked the hour up to Framingham early to buy them before class. Over $400 for two books and a workbook!... I headed to class and spent the next 2 and a half hours reviewing the syllabus and assignment schedule for the semester. I left feeling so overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with work, overwhelmed with school, overwhelmed that I still have 3 years left of school-even though I just completed 17! I felt like I would never be finished.
Then on the ride home I got even more overwhelmed because I got to thinking about the cost of school versus what pay scale it will put me in when I’m finally finished, and trying to decide if it’s worth it. And then I got to thinking about how badly Matt and I want kids and how the longer I’m in school the longer that gets put off. And then I got to thinking about how on earth we will ever have enough money saved for a house to put those kids in because of all the student loans we’ll be paying off until we’re 200 years old. So, another hour later I’m at home crying on my bed chanting to myself, “I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna”
I was going full speed ahead and I wanted to stop the train… And then I got confused and thought about the possibility of fast forwarding the train…and then went right back to wanting to stop the train.
My sweet husband wandered home to what only could be described as a train wreck of a wife. While I was still crying, still talking to myself- he bravely asked what was wrong and listened to me recap my crises (though I’m doubtful he deciphered most of it). Should I quit school? Should I choose a shorter program? Is it absolutely necessary that I keep going? What will be the best for us? Will we ever make enough to stay on top of our bills? Do we really want to wait 3-4 more years to start a family?...and on and on….And then, the brilliant man gently and lovingly reminded me that I don’t get to stop the train, because I am not the conductor.
He, in not so many words, reminded me that I could calm down and take a breath because I am not the one in control. He reminded me that whether I decide to finish my graduate degree or not, we would be taken care of. He reminded me that God’s timing will determine when we start a family. He reminded me that having good jobs and a house of our own is not the most important thing in the world. He reminded me that God has always taken care of us and promises to continue to do so.
Oh how thankful I am that I am not the conductor! Goodness knows what kind of shape my train would be in by now…We can be thankful for a God that knows the blueprints of our life when all we see is craziness. We can be thankful for a God who knows His plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). For a God who created us on purpose, for a purpose, and that that purpose is good (Romans 8:28, Philippians 2:13). We can be so thankful that He knows exactly what is going to happen to us and our family (Psalm 139:16).
2 Timothy 1:7, the verse I find myself readying over and over again says, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, or love, and of self-discipline.”
Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Once I was able to calm down enough to utter a coherent plea to the Lord, (as if He didn’t already know my heart), I could present my troubles to Him, give Him back the controls, and ask, once again, for Him to forgive my stubbornness. My anxiety was eased, my fear was gone, and I even stopped talking to myself!
There is no need to be fearful of what lies ahead when God is the conductor of our lives. There is no need to be fearful of the future when He promises provision and protection (though let’s not confuse that with easy and painless).
Beauty-full readers, how I pray that we are daily embracing the peace of God that transcends all understanding. How I pray that we relinquish all fear to Him and trust in His divine conducting of our lives.
Have peaceful week in Him,
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Even Before
One such memory is from Christmas Eve. I don't remember if my sisters were born yet, but I was little. I had a cradle for my dolls, and somehow it broke. I went to my dad, and he took a look. It needed a screw, and he couldn't find one in the house. He said he would go to the store later. After a few hours of Christmas Eve party planning, and twirling in my poofy dress, I asked my dad if we could go to the store to buy a screw to fix the cradle. He said he didn't need to go to the store.
I'm not sure what went through my head, but I remember running from the room and crying, thinking that he didn't care about my cradle, and therefore, me. I remember being disappointed because I had thought that he would take care of my problem.
And I remember him coming to find me a little while later and explaining that the reason he didn't need to go to the store was because he had already left the house, gone to the store, bought the screw, come home, and fixed the cradle.
Before I even asked if we could go get a screw to fix the cradle, the cradle was fixed. Clearly, this is not a life changing event. But it did teach me something.
Isaiah 65:24 says, " Before they call I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear."
I've been looking for this verse since September for my mom. I told her there was a scripture about God answering prayer before we even ask for it. And then I couldn't find the scripture. I asked people. Google and BibleGateway were useless. I had no idea where it was in scripture, just that it was there.
Thanks to my sister, I finally found it on Christmas Eve this year.
The NLT translation reads, "I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers."
Reading the verse again this week, my cradle memory came to mind. My tiny little kid flesh jumped to conclusions about how Dad didn't love me, and didn't care about my cradle, and probably laughed at the thought of my Water Baby sleeping on the cold hard ground.
But while I was wondering if he was going to fix my problem, my problem was already fixed.
I'm by no means suggesting that God (or dads, for that matter) will fix all our problems before we ask. Or even after we ask.
But He knows our needs. He knows everything. He knows us. He doesn't need us to ask for things. To tell him our problems. The praying part, the asking, is for us. To get to know Him. To learn that we can trust Him. That we can call on Him. That he cares for us, and our needs, even the small ones.
When my dad fixed my cradle, it helped me to learn his character, his love for me. It made me like to be around him, because I had faith that he cared about me. It added to the foundation of our relationship. It taught me, even if it took me time to realize it, that I could trust him, even with something as small as a bed for my doll.
Since then, I've gone to my dad with just about every problem I've had. Small and large, important and silly. And while he hasn't fixed everything each time, I feel better knowing he's there. The minute I hear his voice on the phone, I feel better. Sometimes I even feel better while the phones still ringing, just because I know he'll care. It's a real drag those few times he doesn't pick up. :)
Each time I go to my dad, it adds to our history. He imparts wisdom, I ignore it. I ask questions and he answers. I learn lessons and he encourages me. He shows me more of his character, and unfortunately, sometimes I show him some of mine. After all these years, I usually know what he's going to say. In situations where I can't go to him, I can try to think like him, behave like him, love like him.
The same holds true with God. The Bible tells us that God cares for us. That He loves us. But when we actually take Him up on His offer to bear our burdens and call on Him, we learn to believe it. We live it. We are better for it. The more I turn to Him, the more I'll trust Him, the more I'll get to know Him, the more I'll be able to emulate Him. I can love the world the way He loves me. I can reach out to others in His name.
We can't be the hands and feet of Jesus without knowing Him. We can't have the mind of Christ without knowing Him. We won't know Him if we don't experience the truths in His Word. We don't experience without prayer.
I feel very guilty for ending this post without using "Beauty-Full" in it at all. Forgive me :)
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Monday, January 23, 2012
The CROSSing Guard
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Living by the Spirit
Galations 5:22-25- “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
So often I find myself praying for God to help develop in me one or more of the above traits. I might one day be convicted that I need more gentleness, and another pray for circumstances that would grow my faithfulness. I believe it was during a Beth Moore bible study where I learned one of the most important things about the above verses.
Paul calls it the FRUIT of the Spirit. Not the fruitS of the Spirit. The traits combine to make one giant, mega-fruit of the Spirit. If we’re lacking in one area, chances are we aren’t living completely in the Spirit.
Romans 8:9-11 says, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.”
If we have accepted Christ and chosen life over death, we are called to live in the Spirit! And honestly, who wouldn’t want to. We have the opportunity to let the Spirit control us if we would just relinquish the control we hold onto so dearly. The Word says that the same Spirit that raised Christ lives in us! How much more effective would we be if we let a death-defeating Spirit lead our every step?....
When we chose to die to self and live by traits that are completely unnatural to us, we look more like Christ. We look more like the women that God created us to be. We are more beauty-full that way.
In Him,
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
white as snow
As I walked around while the dog frolicked in the snow (yea, my dog frolicks), I noticed a pile of snow behind my house. I noticed it because it's actually a pile of trash. A pile of trash and building materials that has been back there for longer than I care to admit. Don't judge me- there's worms under there, and spiders, and probably a whole colony of killer mutant bugs that are just waiting for me to move something in that pile so they can get me.
What struck me about the pile is that it looked pretty. It was white, clean, fresh. All glimmery in the early morning light.
Just like us, as Isaiah 1:18 tells us. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow." When we come to the Lord, our sins are forgiven, and we are no longer stained. The blood of Christ covers us- we are white as snow. Just like my trash pile.
Then, as the day wore on, it rained a bit, the snow was washed away, melted into slush. More and more of the trash pile was uncovered. It was less and less pretty.
Unfortunately, this is also like us sometimes.
The little pieces of trash sticking out from my pile are similar to the unforgiveness I hold in my heart. The accidental sins I can't let go of. The on-purpose sins I won't let go of. The worry. The guilt. The past relationships. The hurt I've caused. The hurt I've felt. The judgements I pass. The judgement I feel. All this stuff starts sticking out of my snow-white-ness, and I'm not so pretty anymore.
That trash pile and I are so alike in so many ways. We are pretty when we're covered by snow. Covered by Christ. Sometimes the ugly sticks out. And sometimes it's easier to hold on to the trash than face the spiders (for those of you who don't know me that well, I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY afraid of spiders. As in, I should seek professional help).
If I want that trash gone, I'm going to have to suck it up, put on some spider-proof gloves, and move it out of there. I can't just sit around and hope the snow won't melt.
Fortunately, there are no spiders hiding in my heart... but I find that I don't want to deal with what is in there any more than I want to deal with the spiders.
Sometimes it's easier to bury hurt than deal with it. Feels better to hold on to anger than to forgive. Passing judgement on others quickly means it won't hurt as much when they judge me. Sin is easier than righteousness.
Why am I so eager to hang on to the old, when I've been made new? Why do I continue to clothe myself in scarlet, when He's bleached me white as snow? Why do I choose to condemn myself for my past sins, when He chooses to forget them?
He tries to make it easy for us- He already willingly bore our sins (1 Peter 2:24). He asks for our burdens (Matt 11:28).
My sins? He paid the price.
My hurt? He feels it too.
My guilt? He chose condemnation so I wouldn't have to face it.
Sometimes I feel like I'm saying "Thanks but no thanks". Thanks for bearing my sin, but I'll just hold on to this piece of it for a little bit longer. Thanks for offering to carry my burdens, but well, I really need to work out anyways. Thanks for dying so that I could live life to the fullest, but I'm just not quite ready for "the fullest" yet. Maybe tomorrow.
How bout you? Feeling all snowy white today? If not, what are you holding onto that He's already paid the price for?
We'll be a whole lot more Beauty-Full when we stop uncovering what He's already forgotten.
Be blessed,
Monday, January 16, 2012
A Mark of Beauty
Friday, January 13, 2012
Attitude Adjustment
There’s nothing more unbecoming in a beautiful woman that a not-so-beautiful attitude. I’m constantly checking and rethinking my attitude because I’ve learned that I’m so prone to having a bad one. I’m an emotional person and have to constantly ask myself if my attitude is based on truth, or my feelings. When our attitude is based on truth, we’re so much nicer to be around. It doesn’t take long for one bad attitude to clear a room. Ephesians 2: 1-2 and 5 say,
When we find ourselves with a bad attitude, we should think of God’s unfailing love, of the fellowship with the Spirit that we are so graciously permitted. We should remember the tenderness and compassion that Christ’s love should instill in us. We’re called to have the same attitude as Christ’s. That’s the standard. That’s the goal. Of course we will fail at times, but we have been “given everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Hebrews 4:12 says,
The best tool we have to keep our attitudes in check is the infallible Word of God. It one of the tools God has given us “for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). When we read it, there’s opportunity for conviction and growth and change. Conviction is not a bad thing. In fact, we should be looking out for it and recognizing it as the merciful and loving way that God tells us every day, “I’m with you and you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.” When we choose to read the Word of God, it’s lets God know that we want to be closer to Him, that we love His guidance, and submit to His Words. When we neglect the Word of God, we shut the door on an opportunity to keep our attitude in check. The Word of God “judges thoughts and attitudes of the heart”. At any given moment during the day is your attitude the same as Christ’s would be in your situation? If not, it’s time to pray it out and re-boot with a portion of the Word. When we spend time in the Word, we have the opportunity to let God make us more beauty-full. That is just what I need.
In His love,
PS. If you haven’t had the opportunity yet, donate your $24 to free a woman in Thailand from sexual slavery for 24 hours though Freedom 4/24. We still need several people in order to reach the goal of freeing one woman for each day in January, National Human Trafficking Awareness Month!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
a daily reminder
I've been thinking a lot about her since the Beauty-Full Life workshop at Ruthann's house in October. I think of her everyday, of course, but not always past her immediate needs. I don't always focus on her character, her personality, her heart. When Ruthann and I were tossing around ideas about some sort of media representation of being "Beauty-Full", her sweet voice popped into my head, and I heard all the times she looked in the mirror and said 'beautiful', all the times she looked at me and said "beautiful." The times we went bathing suit shopping and she thought every single one was "cute cute", no matter that some of them, in fact, were not at all attractive. I saw the two of us getting ready in my room, and her asking for make up, and loving the sight of herself after a little translucent powder.
She really is the perfect woman- she has no clue what our culture expects of her- she just knows she's beautiful. She doesn't care what our culture expects from me, she just thinks I'm beautiful. She laughs in the face of bathing-suit-shopping, and how many of us can say that?? She's the example of the women we could be if we didn't allow the media and the culture and the men to decide if we're beautiful or not. She is lacking is so many things, but self esteem is not one of them.
I'm a thinker, so this image of her beauty-full-ness has stuck with me. And then it merged into another image of her that kinda surprised me.
Instead of thinking of her reactions to herself, I thought of my reactions to her. I thought of the times I've yelled at her, just because I'm having a bad day. I thought of the times I've been frustrated with her, because I can't figure out what she's trying to say. I thought about the times I've been annoyed with her, because she needs me.
And yet, she thinks I'm beautiful.
When I leave the house, she waits for me to get home. When she knows she won't see me again until she wakes up, she spends hours trying to go to bed early, just so that it will be morning. She makes me tell her I love her over and over (I think she's just making sure I don't forget). She'd sit on my lap for hours if my legs didn't fall asleep.
Despite my sometimes ugly reactions to her, she thinks I'm beautiful, and wants to be with me, spend time with me, hear my voice. Sound familiar?
The girl who doesn't have the cognitive skills to understand grace and mercy, heaven and hell, Jesus and God, is a living, breathing example of how God loves us- He thinks we're beautiful. He wants to be near us. Hear our voice. Love us. Be loved by us.
He thinks I'm beautiful. She thinks I'm beautiful.
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She IS Beauty-Full.
I am so thankful that He sent me a beautiful reminder of just how much He loves me.
Be blessed,
In case you missed the post over the weekend, check it out, and help us give at least 1 beautiful girl in Thailand freedom from sexual slavery for every day in January. We only need 2 more days covered, but why stop there?
Saturday, January 7, 2012
A Fine Mix Up
A life of freedom begins with one day. Visit www.freedom424.org today to give your gift of $24 that will buy a woman or girl in Thailand out of slavery for one whole day. During that day of freedom, woman and girls are offered food, medical care, education, transportation, housing, and counseling.
Help reach the goal of providing freedom for at least one girl or woman each day this month!
If you would like to participate,leave a comment below with the number of days that you would like to cover in January and make your donation by clicking "donate" in the upper right hand corner of the homepage at Freedom 4/24
The Bible instructs us to give to and care for those who are in need. Christ died to give freedom to all who call on Him. When people like you and I give our $24 donation, the people who partner with this ministry make sure that each woman saved from sexual slavery that day has an opportunity to hear the message of Christ and experience the freedom that He has to offer. There's no doubt that we have an amazing opportunity here to help women find freedom and realize their beauty and worth. And I so strongly believe that with opportunity, comes responsibility. I pray the Lord stirs the hearts of many throughout this month. I pray that many who are in bondage, experience freedom. And I pray that those of us who have the means, will move and do our part.
May God bless you in your giving!