
Monday, January 30, 2012

A Plea From My Heart to Yours

Today’s blog will be a little shorter than most but of equally great importance. As next Sunday approaches the anticipation of the Super Bowl will heighten and we will hear and read about little else in the news besides the football game. New Englanders especially are excited about the event since their beloved Patriots are in the game. Super Bowl frenzy will intensify as the week goes on, especially around here. People will prepare for parties and shop for snack food galore. And most will give little thought to the Super Bowl being one of the biggest Human Trafficking events in the U.S.

Yes you heard me correctly; the Super Bowl is one of the human trafficking sex industry's biggest money makers. This week as you prepare to party with friends and family, young girls and boys will be brought into Indianapolis for the express reason of servicing the clientele who will descend on the city for the big game.
It breaks my heart to write this today and to be thinking about the boys, girls, women and men that will be forced to have sex to make money for their owners. I am also certain this breaks the heart of God.

“How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked.” 
Psalm 82: 2

I have a few requests:

1.       I ask you today to become educated on the facts. Goggle "sex trafficking and super bowl" and see what is happening. Here is one link to get you started.

2.      PRAY!!! Pray for the victims of human trafficking in the United States and around the world. Every time you think or make one preparation for watching the game, pray for the boys and girls who are preparing for this event for very different reasons, in very different ways.

3.      And finally ACT!  At the beginning of January Jill encouraged us all to take part in Human Trafficking Awareness Month by donating to provide care for a rescued girl in Thailand. I am imploring you today to help us reach our goal of providing care for at least 31 girls, one per day for the month of January. Just follow the instructions below.

 A life of freedom begins with one day. Visit today to give your gift of $24 that will buy a woman or girl in Thailand out of slavery for one whole day. During that day of freedom, woman and girls are offered food, medical care, education, transportation, housing, and counseling.

 Help reach the goal of providing freedom for at least one girl or woman each day this month!
If you would like to participate,leave a comment below with the number of days that you would like to cover in January and make your donation by clicking "donate" in the upper right hand corner of the homepage at Freedom 4/24

What will you  do today?

Be a blessing,


Karen said...

My heart breaks to read this. Now I know I live in my "own little world" Just in recent years have become aware of this human trafficing and it makes me sick to my stomach. Never could I imagine but yes I do believe it that such a "fun" event would lure this horrible practice. I will be praying and I will click to support a day off for one. It seems like little to offer. for "one" but I know one will be a start. Thankful to be free and praying for those who are not.

Patti said...

I had no idea this type of activity takes place during the Superbowl!! I'm appalled and sickened just thinking about it!! I just made a donation of $24. I wish I could do more though!!

Ruthann DeLong said...

Thank You Ladies for responding to this cry for help. YOU are helping to stop modern day slavery!!!!! I pray that you will take the time to inform yourselves even further about the ugly truth of this crime and help to awaken others and make a difference!!!!
God Bless You