With a thankful heart I was relieved that my granddaughter
had not observed or grabbed hold of those parts I would not have wanted her to see
or replicate; those occasions when my words or attitudes might be a little off
of the mark.
It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery
and that no disrespect is meant by any exaggerations of one’s mannerisms or
speech, particularly when the copying is done in and out of love or respect for
the one modeled after.Modeling, creating and preserving the very best atmosphere for kids and grandkids can be such a powerfully motivating force. Their lives were meant to be fun and carefree, safe and nurtured, with good balances of learning and lots of opportunity to apply what they have learned. So we as caregivers draw lines that we don’t want them to cross, protective lines to keep them from harm.
We all have occasions to “miss the mark”, to step outside
the ideal standards that have been set by our loving Father. We all have
occasion to sin. But God ideally wants our very atmosphere to be one where
temptation and sin are totally foreign to us. He drew lines for us that He did
not want us to cross, because of His great love for us.
During our day together my granddaughter and I went to her
neighborhood playground, a place she has frequented often since she was a baby.
She has now mastered all the many pieces of equipment and was so pleased to
show me. She also invited me to follow her – up and down various stairs and ladders
and across wobbly bridges. When we came to one of the enclosed tubular slides I
needed to “draw the line” in my capacity to follow her. I would not have safely
made it down that slide. She immediately understood and so then she led me to
activities we could enjoy doing together. What a sweetie! She has begun to
learn the art of caring for others.
are all called to be obedient “children” and to be role models for the
“children” both old and young that might be looking to imitate us.
Matthew 18:6
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it
would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to
be drowned in the depths of the
I so
want to bring God the highest form of flattery and praise by doing what He has
shown me to do. I want to be the example that He created me to be. My prayer
today is that I want to be able to say to those I love, know or meet…1 Corinthians 11:1
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
Prayerfully and Gratefully HIS,
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