
Monday, September 24, 2012

My Unbelief

This Sunday at church we sang the song "Rescue" preformed by Newsong.

The bridge sings:

this world has nothing for me
this world has nothing for me
this world has nothing for me
I will follow you

I sang through the song with my arms held high believing every word. And then it got to the bridge above and my heart was so convicted. Do I actually believe that this world has nothing for me? And if so, what am I doing here? Am I still living part of my life not recklessly abandoned to God's will?

So instead of singing alone with words I'm not quite sure I fully own, I prayed like the father in Mark 9:14-29. A father brings his son to Jesus saying, "...if you can heal him do so." Jesus said in reply, "If you can? Everything is possible for one who believes." The father responds by saying, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

I believe in my head that "this world has nothing for me." But I need God's help to overcome unbelief in my heart before I can sing those words unconvicted.

Have a wonderful start to your week!

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