
Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Labor Day weekend has just passed. The air is crisper and cooler in the evenings now.  And although I hate to say good bye to the long hot days of summer I am eager for my favorite season, Autumn.

The New England countryside is getting ready to be ablaze in color and one of the first signs is the brilliant face of the sunflower.

The sunflower's enormous face is radiant with beauty as it stands taller than all the other flowers.

 The amazing sunflower in it's bud stage keeps it's face steadfast on the sun. It turns and follows the sun throughout the day. When the sun moves it moves. It follows the sun!

 I love this annual reminder to Follow the Son.

Jesus called HIS disciples by saying "Come, follow me" Matthew 4:19a NIV

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am called to follow Jesus, the Son.

I can use the sunflower as an earthly example of a spiritual truth to "set my face like flint" (Isaiah 50:7c NIV) on Jesus

I can make a daily choice to fix my eyes upon Jesus (Hebrews 12:2a), locking  my gaze so intently on HIM that when HE moves I move with HIM.

This Autumn, as I see sunflowers scattered around the countryside or in a work of art I will choose to use it as a reminder to follow the Son.

How about you?

Take a photo and send it to us. Let's encourage one another to be Sonflowers, standing taller than everything else, faces set to the Son, radiating HIS marvelous beauty.

Be Encouraged,

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