
Friday, September 7, 2012

What's a Friday without some car damage...

Today, I was very excited to get my mileage check. It was a big check, much bigger than usual because of a transport I was doing for the month. I had all sorts of ideas about what my husband and I would be able to pay with this particular mileage check. 

...And then on the way home I hit a guard rail when someone cut me off and scratched/crushed the length of my car. 

Irony at its grandest. Provision at its grandest. Protection at its grandest.

Am I sad that I jacked up my car? Yes. Am I a little bit mad that someone cut me off? Yes. But I'm also very thankful that the car didn't hit me. And that no one got hurt. And that there was a guard rail instead of a telephone pole on the side of the road...or a house...or a person walking...

And I'm thankful for the fact that my life is so orchestrated by God that I have a job that pays high mileage- that happened to require me to drive a lot this month-and that gave me my check today. Some may say coincidence. BUT, some agencies only pay half as much mileage that mine does, my mileage check is NEVER this much, and I don't always get it this Friday...

This is not the first time that I've gotten a not-so-normal check and then something goes wrong (almost always with my car).

I'm not generally an optimistic person. Not that I'm not hopeful in Christ, but I'm very much a realist. It's been a challenge for me to learn to see the bright side of things. Or to appreciate the lesson in a circumstance. A year ago, I wouldn't have been able to say the things that I'm thankful for about the situation. I wouldn't acknowledge the blessing of having just gotten my mileage check to spend on the repairs-I would have just been angry that I didn't get to keep it to do with it what I wanted. I wouldn't have been able to say, "at least it wasn't a telephone pole.."

Be encouraged that we are not in fact unteachable, and that God will change and mold a willing heart.

Have a wonderful weekend

On a separate note, if anyone has a spare 2009 Kia Spectra fender hanging around, let me know :)

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