
Monday, September 24, 2012

Sick and Tired?

Is it just me or have you also noticed how many people are sick and tired these days?

People are exhausted, run down and just plain weary. Others have been diagnosed with illness and many more live each day with the stress of unknown, mystery illnesses.

Illness and fatigue are debilitating us and redirecting us from Kingdom building purposes. It is causing us to turn our attentions inward  preventing us from being the servants HE has called us to be.

The bible states that "by his wounds you have been healed". 1 Peter2:24b
Jesus' death on the cross, HIS spilled blood cleansed  us from our sins and healed us. Notice the tense of the verb. we have been healed. Now that is something to rejoice over.

God's will is for HIS believers to be healed. The enemy wants to paralyze us in our illness. Jesus wants us healed.  Honestly, I am sick and tired of the enemy getting his way.

Colossians 4:2  says Devote yourselves to prayer,being watchful and thankful.

Starting October 1st I will be devoting myself to 21 days of fasting and prayer for healing and health, complete and miraculous healing!

Are you tired of being sick?

Are you sick of being tired?

Are you sick and tired?

If you answered yes to any or all of those questions then it would be my privilege to pray for you!!

Please e-mail me your prayer request to and I will devote myself to praying for you. Your requests will remain confidential and will be lifted before the throne of endless Grace.

Believe with me in faith for miracles and start praising our Lord Jesus, the Great Physician!

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