
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Don't Trade Your Treasure

When my boys were little they use to trade their toys with their friends. They would take a  new toy, one that they had really wanted and then trade it for an old toy that belonged to their friend.

Somehow my boys would be talked into believing that the trade would benefit them. Somehow they believed that their friends toy was better than their toy. Somehow they believed the lie.

It made no sense to me, from my mature perspective. After all,  I had an understanding of the monetary value and popularity of my children's toys. I also knew how much they had desired these toys until someone My children on the other hand, made their decision based on false information. They became confused and traded their treasure for something less.

People knew God perfectly well,but when they didn't treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialized themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives. They pretended to know it all, but were illiterate regarding life. They traded the glory of God who hods the whole  world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at any roadside stand. Romans 1:22-23 The Message

When we become Christians we are given a precious gift of eternal life with God and the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit allows HIS Word to be revealed to us in Scripture, in prayer and worship. HE gives us HIS Truth. We enter into a beautiful relationship with Jesus, we know God.

There is nothing as precious as this divine relationship and we need to guard it and treat it MORE special then we treat our material objects. We keep our jewelry all shining in special boxes because they are precious to us. We wash and wax our cars with the gentlest touch because we deem it as a treasure. We dust and polish our collectibles. We read books with all sorts of advice and information while ignoring the Truth in God's Word. We give little attention to our most precious treasure- God.

We treat God as something dispensable, something trivial. We trade the desire to be intimate with God  for teh desire for material things.We trade the Truth for the enemies lies.

When we put ANYTHING before  God,we have traded the glory of God, our treasure for something cheap.

We need to guard our hearts, guard our minds, guard our treasure every day!!!

Protect your treasure, worship God above all and whatever you do, don't trade it in!!!!


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