
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Reading

This past weekend I didn't get much summer reading done. Instead I spent time flipping through the pages of various bridal and wedding magazines. It was great fun checking out all the new wedding gown designs and trendy themes versus classic styling.  Even at my age I still love to look at wedding magazines.
Afterall, there is not  many things more beautiful than a bride.

You may be wondering WHY I would be looking at a wedding magazines so I will gladly tell you. A week ago my stepdaughter, Jen, became engaged to a wonderful young man. I am happy for them and their future and excited about the upcoming wedding.  I am looking forward to ALL the plans for their big day ( I am a planner and a hopeless romantic).

Weddings take a great deal of planning. Every little detail is attended to with the utmost attention.  A color scheme is chosen, the location is reserved, the dress is purchased, invitations printed, menus planned, floral arrangements created, guest lists written and so many more details are covered before the big day.

Although many hours are spent planning the ceremony, the rehearsal, the reception, honeymoon the centerpiece is love.

The Bible is a book about God's love for us. From the beginning to the end it declares God's love for us, HIS desire to be in a deep relationship with us, with you and with me.

The book of Hosea is a testimony to God's persistent, unfailing, unconditional, and forgiving love.

Eugene Peterson who wrote the paraphrased translation of the bible, The Message, says this in his opening commentary on the book of Hosea; 
" God is love, that God loves the world. Each single detail of the real world that we face and deal with day after day is permeated by this love. But when our minds and imaginations are crippled with lies about love, we have a hard time understanding this fundamental ingredient of daily living, "love", either as a noun or as a verb. And if the basic orienting phrase "God is love" is plastered over with cultural graffiti that obscures and deface the truth of the way the world is, we are not going to get very far in living well. We require true stories of love if we are to live truly."

I grew up with the happily ever after books and movies that little girls view and grew right in to the grown up romantic comedy genre. Watching romantic movies and reading love stories may seem like a harmless activities but if not balanced with the Word of God our minds and hearts can be deceived.

Intellectually we may understand "this is only a movie" but emotionally we can start to belief them. Satan, the father of lies, just loves for us to buy into these romantic tales calling them love stories when in reality they are stories of lust and selfishness.

When you want to sit back and relax with a good love story may I suggest picking up the Bible. The book of Hosea is one of many stories that will melt your heart.

"I will betroth you to me forever;" Hosea 2:19a NIV

Aren't those beautiful words? (Deep Sigh)  Did you know those words were written for you? You are betrothed to Christ. He is coming back for HIS bride and there will be a great wedding. (check out the book of Revelation) 

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7 NIV

As my family goes through the months preceding the wedding I will have many reminders regarding preparation. For as she is preparing to stand before her earthly groom we all need to continue to prepare to stand before our Heavenly Groom.

 I want to be a bride- adorned  and dressed to please her groom , Christ Jesus, radiant with love, and glowing with hope and expectation of eternity together.

 I must give attention to all the details of my life, my heart and my mind so that I will be that beauty-full bride.

I need to know deep in my heart and soul and mind the truth about love not the lies that the world will tell me about it. 

I want to please HIM and bring HIM glory on that day? How about you, beloved?

My summer's reading list will include some wedding material for sure but I plan on spending most of my time on the greatest love story ever told- The Bible.


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