
Friday, March 9, 2012

His Change

I love music. All the time. If I could listen to it 24/7 I would. It’s a very rare occasion that I’m not singing to myself, or others, or God, or no one at all. This is both a blessing and a curse. Some have said they’ve been “touched” by my singing; others closer to me beg me to shut up for even 5 seconds of quiet.

 As my sisters, husband, and Dad can attest to, when I’m in the car, if I sing a word in a song wrong, I have to start it over until I do it right. This is not good for anyone riding along because sometimes, it can take 10 tries for me to stop messing up.

The other day in the car I was singing my current favorite worship song, “One Thing Remains” by Jeremy Riddle.  The song sings,

                                “On and on and on and on it goes
                                It overwhelms and satisfies my soul
                                And I never ever have to be afraid
                                This one thing remains…

                                Your love never fails, never gives up,
                                Never runs out on me”

Well, I started up the song and found myself singing, “…and I never ever have to be the same…” So I started the song over again… “…and I never ever have to be the same.” Again, I mess up and start the song over, “…and I never ever have to be the same…”  Right as I was about to start the song for the fourth time, it hit me, JILLIAN! You NEVER have to be the same….

They may not be the words to that particular song but its truth nonetheless…

Oh how many things I would love to change about myself; my pride, my time management skills, my lukewarm heart, my judgmentalism, my attitude, my priorities, my bitterness, my (fill in your blank). I think we, especially as women, try so hard to make ourselves better. We’re constantly doing Bible studies geared towards better Christian living. Some women spend their whole Christian lives simply (or not) trying to be better.

Good news ladies, WE DON’T HAVE TO STAY THE SAME!

If the Bible is first a book of love, it is second a book of change. Abraham, changed. Sarah, changed. Moses, changed. David, changed. Solomon, changed. The Disciples, changed. Mary Magdalene, changed. (P)Saul , changed. A million other people, changed.

We so often get stuck in the rut of self-defeat. We can’t seem to change enough, we can’t seem to be motivated enough, we can’t seem to be disciplined enough….

What’s the common denominator? WE. WE aren’t enough. WE can’t change on our own. WE can’t will ourselves into “better” Christians. 

God is the master of change (which is ironic since He’s the only one who ever stays the same). We can’t change on our own, but this does not mean we cannot change. We can do all things with Christ, our strength (Phil 4:13). Our strength isn’t enough. Our motivation isn’t enough. Our will isn’t enough. But His is.

I will share one of the biggest areas in my life I want change in right now.  I need to have a more consistent daily devotional time. My road blocks over the past few years have been lack of time, energy, and quiet. I want to spend time with God each day, I want to care enough about that relationship to put it first, I want to be consistent, and I want to develop that time alone just with Him. But then- time, energy, noise, and life get in my way.

I know I’m not alone in this. What I’ve found to be helpful so far has been to be honest with the Lord saying, “God, I don’t feel like having this devotional time right now. I am out of energy, have no time, and have no quiet. But I love you, and I’m committed to you, so please forgive me and change my heart as I sit and try to draw closer to you. Father, change me.”

I’ve found that when I don’t want, He gives me His want. When I’m not motivated, He gives me motivation. When I have no time, He pauses it for me. When I have no energy, He rejuvenates me. WE don’t make the changes, He does.

So when you’re not feeling like having a devotional time, do it anyway. When you’re not feeling like being loving towards that person, do it anyway. When you’re not feeling like having a good attitude, have one anyway. Lean on God and let Him make the changes. If you need accountability, find a trustworthy sister in Christ who can encourage you and who you can encourage. We’re not alone. We are a huge body of believers in a society that teaches us to be islands until we’re perfect and then can join everyone.

Because of Christ, we don’t ever have to be the same. Let’s let Him change us for the better this week. Feel free to leave comments below sharing what helps you make changes.

In him,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jill!
Diana <><