
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Don't Underestimate the Power of 'Undone'

I had a day recently where I sort of felt ‘undone’. I found myself saying out loud, “I’m undone”. Not a good idea! Proverbs 18:7 says, “A fool’s mouth is his undoing and his lips are a snare to his soul”. (Now, mind you, this was before Ruthann’s recent and excellent post The Humble Mumble, which I encourage you to read if you haven’t already.)

Over the years I have tried to catch myself whenever my spoken words are not correct, by quickly taking them back so their negative effect can’t come to pass. I’ve done it in a variety of ways like asking God to forgive me for my words, repenting of my bad attitude that caused them to slip out, covering them in the blood of Jesus, acknowledging to the nearest person that I was wrong to say what I did. Basically saying anything that would somehow undo what I had done with my mouth.

Well that particular day, in that moment, when I heard what I had said it brought me cause to chuckle because I suddenly, with the help of God I’m sure, began to envision some ‘undone’ things, one of which was in the oven for dinner.

It occurred to me that sometimes, rather than just taking back or changing my words I need to totally reframe my way of thinking about some things. Ponder with me some things that serve a purpose, even as ‘undone’ as they are.

As ‘undone’ as a chicken that’s still spurting pink juices when poked. It may not necessarily be ready to meet all the needs of those who hunger but it has an aroma that could cause those nearby to work up a healthy appetite. That’s what our witness for Christ should do.

As ‘undone’ as the tasks that keep falling to the bottom of the pile of semi-important things to do. But hopefully that means I am doing the important ones on top; the ones that catch the eye of God as well as my own.

As ‘undone’ as the character qualities that I have seen in others and longed for, but have yet to master in myself. But that means I am observing with appreciation the good in those around me and praying that the unique traits of God’s calling on me are on the increase.

As ‘undone’ as a puzzle lying unfinished on the table whose picture looks distorted because all the pieces have not yet been placed. But the challenge is ever before me that I can choose and match a piece at a time, and that the overall picture gets enhanced each time I do.

As ‘undone’ as the baby in the ultrasound picture from Brooke’s recent post Plums and Heartbeats. Not yet ready to breath in this side of nature, but already having the very nature that God built in before anyone even knew.

As ‘undone’ as the loose ends that we continuously feel we need to tie up in our lives. However, if they weren’t loose, we’d have nothing to tie, now would we?

As ‘undone’ as the mood I was in when I had made that foolish declaration, “I’m undone”. What a relief that moods can change as quickly as they set in. We would all do well to remember that when we seem stuck in one.

As ‘undone’ as Jesus must have appeared to Satan when His life blood had run out, which Jill described in her post Great News! I guess that old enemy didn’t quite get it when Jesus declared in John 19:30, “It is finished”.

For all the ‘undone’ things that could cause us to feel ‘undone’ how liberating to know, really know…

Romans 8:28 “28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

I guess I could go on and on with more examples of ‘undone’ things that can be reframed to show their value. But for now this post is done.

Gratefully HIS,


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