I wanted to know everything that was going to happen so I could be prepared, so I could have a plan. I needed to be in control so that I could make sure nothing bad happened. I fretted, worried, planned every step of my life and carried fear in my heart.
Well, the problem was and is that "I" can not prevent bad things from happening in my life. Bad things did happen and unfortunately they will happen in the future as well. It is just a part of life here on earth.
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Proverbs 3:5 The Message
When I became a Christian I put my trust in God, the Creator of the Universe and HE took my fear away.
God alone knows everything about me and about my life. HE already knows everything that is going to happen in my life and HE will be right there for me! God is on our side (Romans 8:31b) .
What a deep sigh of relief I experienced when I truly grasped that God is on my side and that HE can work together for good any situation (Romans 8:28)
Today I still don't like thunder and lightening, spiders, heights or going too fast but I did outgrow the fear of "monsters under my bed". However, I can say that am not afraid to be alone because I know that HE is always with me.
And I am not afraid of my future because I TRUST HIM. I am in a relationship with GOD and I listen to HIS direction for my life in prayer and in studying HIS Word. HE guides me and comforts me and HE let's me know if i am heading down the wrong path.
I can not control the future or any heartaches or trials that it may bring my way but I know that I will not face them alone and unequipped.
I don't need to be afraid about what tomorrow holds because I know that God loves me.
" I am convinced that nothing-nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic,today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable-absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us." (Romans 8:39The Message)
Jesus has rescued, redeemed, restored my life and HE remains loving me with HIS different kind of Love. And HE is waiting there for you!
Gratefully HIS,
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