
Friday, August 24, 2012


This summer has been very busy for me. My sister moved home from college, my other sister is getting married, my other sister is moving off to college, my cousin is having a baby, a close family member is struggling with health issues, I continued to attend Graduate school while working full time, and so much more.

I’ve always been a busy person- I thrive with a full schedule because a lot of downtime leaves me bored and wanderlusty (which I think I just made up). Even though I’m very organized and enjoy a busy schedule, I’ve never been good at prioritizing-because in the moment, one thing seems just as important at another.

I value time spent with my husband. I value time spent with my sisters. I value the time I have to visit with my parents and in-laws. I value the time I spend continuing my education. I value time I spend at church. I value the time I spend with God each day…..

…And by each day, I mean when I’m not too tired from valuing my time too much in other places…

I’ve always struggled with setting apart time each day to spend with the Lord before all my other “stuff” begins; but oh how important it is. One of my problems is that I tend to think like this: “well as soon as _____ is over, I’ll have more time to be consistent with my devotional time.” That never works. Especially if you’re like me and always have stuff going on.

We are on borrowed time here on this earth. We are a vapor that disappears in the blink of an eye. We’re not promised tomorrow.  And one day, when my tomorrow never comes, I better be sure that I’ve spent enough time with God-who I’ll be spending eternity with.

When one thing ends, another always begins. Which is why it’s so important to make daily time with God a priority. A priority that I will be working on over the next couple of weeks and months.  Feel free to hold me accountable!....And if you need to work on the same priority, I’m happy to hold you accountable J

Have a great weekend,

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