
Friday, August 10, 2012

Just In Time

I've had a pretty hard week. A week where sad and stressed and scared doesn't even seem to cut it. Bad news just seems to keep on coming for this one situation and hope can be hard to hold on to. I'm at that point where when I start to pray about the situation, no words come out, only tears.

I was in a particularly sad state when I was driving home from work today and a representative from my old university called and said, "Hi, I'm calling for Jillian. This is the alumni prayer center with Liberty and I'm just wondering if there's anything I can pray for you or your family for today."

What I heard, was the voice of God saying , "Jillian, I have not left you. I will never leave or forsake you. I hear your prayers, and regardless of what happens, I hear you always, and I love you. Always"

That call came just in time.That young lady's prayer for me and this situation came just in time.

I can tell you first hand, that when hope seems lost, and you feel like no one can hear your pain, God can. And He will hear us always. And He will love us always. And that's enough for me

Have a blessed weekend.

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