
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Displaced Worry

I'm a mom. I fix things.

I have fixed broken toys and broken skin, applied kisses and bandages. I have fixed mistakes on homework (except in math). I have fixed holes in clothing and fixed schedules to accommodate every one's calendars. I have fixed up a batch of cookies to brighten up a blue day.

But there are some things a mom or anyone can't fix. Situations arise in the lives of people that we dearly love and we can't do anything. Our tendency is to worry and fret over it especially when it is over our children.

We run different scenarios over and over in our minds trying to find a solution. Sometimes we meddle in places where we just don't belong. We are anxious and think about the worst possible outcomes and wring our hands in stress.

Some people become obsessed with the problem unable to concentrate on anything else and even losing sleep.

But God's Word says " Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying ,pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."
 Philippians 4: 6-7 The Message

This week I have had my share of things that I desperately want to fix but I can't. I have breathed my fair share of heavy sighs as I have surrendered my worries to God letting  my petitions and praises shape my worries into prayers.

God, once again has been faithful. HE has taken my worry and replaced it with the peace of Christ!

A few moments ago I paused from writing this blog to read a letter from one of my sponsor children that lives in Africa. The letter was written by his father because Andre has  been sent away from his home to live with an aunt due to the extreme violence in his country. His school has been closed for the safety of the children so the best decision was for him to leave his home.

The father expressed his concern for his son but combined with his praises to our God that he knows to be faithful. The father's trust and peace was almost almost audible to me in his words written on  the paper.

Jesus wants to displace the worry down to the very center of your life! Stop trying to fix everything and instead fix your eyes on Jesus and let HIM fix things. He is the Master of working in all things for good. (Romans 8:28)

What are you holding on to today. worrying and fretting over??? Will you surrender it to God in petitions and praise?

Let God displace your worry don't wait, start now!


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